Peace Officers/Soldiers of Peace
No more killing in the name of our country. To promote peace, we must offer peace. We must set a peaceful example.
our bravest warriors will sacrifice themselves, without killing, to stand up for what we believe in.
All armed American forces (police, military, border patrol) will maintain non-violent first responders. Our front lines will be armed not with weapons but with tools and knowledge.
That is what America offers to the world: The possibility of a future without war and violence. A future where people's basic needs are met. Where they are free to live as they choose.
What we admire in our armed forces is not their willingness to kill but their willingness to give their lives for our country.
The financial, physical and emotional cost of offering peace is a small fraction of the cost of waging war.
For those that doubt peace is possible: existing weaponized military will remain active in the event our front lines fail. They will not fail.